Capture and Upload Receipts The Emburse Chrome River app is currently only available to US-based Chrome River Expense users. Once you have logged in to the Emburse Chrome River app, you can easily capture a receipt, add a note, and upload it to your expense solution with just a few taps. 1. On the Home Screen, tap the blue camera button in the lower right corner. The first time you access the camera in the Emburse Chrome River app, you will need to grant access to your device's camera. On the pop-up screen, tap OK. 2. The camera will open. Hold your device over the receipt and tap the double white circle at the bottom middle of the screen to capture an image. If you previously took a photo of the receipt, tap the Gallery icon in the lower left corner to access it in your device's photo gallery. Tap the other buttons on the screen to... Turn the camera's flash on or off. Close the camera and return to the Home Screen. Access previously-photographed receipts in your device's photo gallery. Access your Wallet. A red dot indicates new items. 3. On the Preview screen you may... Tap the Back arrow in the upper left corner to retake the photo. Tap the X in the upper right corner to return to the camera without saving the photo. Tap Upload to send the receipt to your expense solution. Tap Add Note to enter information that will populate the expense's Description field. 4. If you choose to add a note, begin typing to replace the "What is the purpose of this expense?" text, then tap Done. 5. You will be returned to the camera screen. The "Receipt is saved" message indicates the capture is beginning to upload, not that it has completed uploading. You may continue capturing receipts or tap the X in the upper right corner to return to the Home Screen. Was this article helpful? Yes No